Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 4: Religion.


: the belief in a god or in a group of gods
: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group

I have dabbled in a lot of religions. I'd even hit the point of no religion at one point. The last one I was before I became what I am today was Wicca.  But I gave that up because it was strange to me and something didn't feel right. I still felt alone.

Then this strange big eyed strawberry blonde showed up at work. She had everything going for her. Even when weird and bad things happened she was happy. I was jealous of that. I even gave her heck for that. I was jealous. And one day, she was singing a song,
Make 'em wonder what you've got make 'em wish that they were not on the outside looking bored. Shine let it shine before all men let'em see good works, and then let 'em glorify the Lord.
I remember because the song talked about barbecuing a hamster and being a vegetarian. Trust me that lyric can really catch your attention. The more I got to know her the more I realized that being a Christian was what made her happy all the time. Sure she had bad days but she would get over them in ways I could only imagine getting over a bad day.

I wanted that simplicity and quite honestly she is contagious with her happy self. She became my friend and I was soon saved as a Christian.

Now I this hasn't been an easy change for me at all. There are days when I'm angry at God, there are days when God and I have this long talk about what I want. And you know those moments when you land on you butt (forget your knees who the crap lands on their knees?) God is basically telling you to look around at what you have and be grateful. It's a hard pill to swallow but it's true. The things I take for granted every day someone else is wishing for at the moment very moment.

What was difficult for me to swallow was when my child passed away. I was never able to hold her because my parents didn't want anyone to know about her. It was more than me being unmarried and pregnant. It was so much more but that's a different post, possibly.

God and I became close after that. You see my daughter was born with so many complications that she couldn't save herself. So I know God has her and she is safe and not in pain. I want to see her one day. I thought that reason was enough to give my heart to God.

But God protects me in ways that nothing else can. God is bigger than karma, destiny, and luck. God can change everything in instant. I've seen too many miracles happen now that I have taken off my rose colored glasses that the world tries to shove on my face daily. I now thank God daily for the many blessings he gives me.

I enjoy our church who does crazy things to get people in church. Our preach has the motto "Come to church for the wrong reason stay for the right reason!" We fed over 1000 people last year for Easter just because we had an Easter egg hunt and games. It was fun and we had so people come to our church after that.

The hard times come and I find someone to help me through it that is a Christian too. And sometimes it's my best friend's (the chick with the big eyes and strawberry blonde hair), her fiance and he talks and prays with me while he lets me pretend he is a punch bag all while letting me take it out on him. God knew exactly what I needed and most of the time it's not what I want. That's why He gets the glory.

People say it's hard to be a Christian and that's because if it was easy everyone would be one. So I'm sorry to the old friends I had but you have no idea what you are missing, but then again I'm not sorry. I just feel sorry for you. I have a wonderful challenge that makes my life shine brighter and my soul will live on forever because I know who died for me!

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