Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 12: Dear X

I am not hating on +Hunter+Jessica, and +Odette. But I am soooooo thankful that I don't have to write about Gaston. I knew better, sorry Elle!

Dear Exes,

I honestly couldn't pick out which one of you to write about except one and he will get a paragraph to himself. However, to all of you as a whole. You weren't bad guys, you all had your good points. I enjoyed my time with each of you. I know some of you I used for my gain and some was the other way around. Either way I am glad I had each of you in my life.

As for Ken. I am still sorry I pushed you away. I wasn't ready to give up cutting even though you tried so hard. I am sorry. You were an amazing guy. You probably have made some girl very happy. And you were the first one to make me stop hating my life at that point.

I still want to thank you all. Regardless of what happened between us, you guys all deserve someone special.

Love Always,
Mary Ann

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